No. 116
“A POPULAR FASHION TREND AMONG THE YOUNGER SET IN THE EARLY 1920s AT STONE HARBOR, N. J.” – Shown here is an interesting old photo recently discovered at the Stone Harbor Museum archives section. As we step back in time, this young girl appears very comfortable in her fashionable apparel as she poses for just a moment on one of the three courts in the bungalow colony at the south end of town.
Seen here, the unnamed girl is wearing knickers (sometimes referred to as knickerbockers) that were as you can see a form of baggy kneed breeches. This was considered rather “chic” and women and girls in the 1920s enjoyed the benefit of wearing both shorts and slacks at the same time as the loose-fitting short pants seen here were gathered at the knee. Such clothing was considered quite “sporty” or “in” using the vocabulary of today’s teenagers and young adults. In this instance her outfit also included a tie around the neck worn with a rather classic long-sleeved blousy button-down white shirt. Often long stockings were worn as well. Notice the so-called “flivver” or “Tin Lizzie” parked on the left along the side of the court. This automobile might very well have been a Model T Ford which was very common and rather affordable at this time.