No. 108
This photo looking east was taken about 1958 and depicts the area along Sunset Drive with the bay in the foreground. Barely visible in the lower right-hand corner are the bridge and the roadway linking the mainland with the borough for entering on to 96th Street and the heart of the Stone Harbor business district. Those of you who have been following my many posts in the past 2 years may readily recognize the 3-story Channel Apartment house facing the bay. Also along Sunset Drive and immediately next to and north of the Channel Apartment house stands what was known as the Russell Choir House, a Dutch Colonial building that was owned and operated by St. Mary’s Church in Ardmore, Pa. There are two other places featured that are located where you see the number “#” sign and the asterisk (*) sign each inserted or super-imposed on the lower right portion of this photograph. Look closely for these two indicators. The corner house labeled “#” is the well known Stiles home. The area marked with the “*” situated on Sunset Drive and facing the bay shows the rather large boat named the “Skipper” as well as Captain Bill Stiles boatyard. Captain Stiles was popularly known for being not only a great fisherman but who offered over the years chartered deep water/ocean fishing trips. Some of you may even recognize other structures or features depicted here.