No. 107
“A CLOSE-UP PHOTO VIEW OF THE 86th – 89th STREETS AREA OF STONE HARBOR, N. J.” – This mid-to-late 1940s image is an aerial view looking primarily west and showing the ocean and beach in the foreground with the Great Channel and the South Basin in the background. Next check out the two houses at the corner of First Avenue and 88th Street. They are the historic Juergens and Herbert cottages. In addition, there is a short pier and pavilion located on the beach at the end of 88th Street. Also notably, the mile and a quarter long boardwalk which was destroyed in the Great Atlantic Storm of 1944 has been gone for just a few years. Yet the Nautilus, well known apartment house on the beach shown here in the lower left portion of the photo, would remain intact until the Storm of 1962. Finally, it is evident that before the decade of the 1950s, there were still a considerable number of undeveloped properties throughout this area. Clearly those days are long gone!