No. 106
“A CIRCA 1920s VIEW OF A PART OF STONE HARBOR, N. J.” – Shown here in this aerial image is the portion of Stone Harbor between 96th and 104th Streets captured sometime during the decade of the 1920s. This view is looking in a westerly direction with the marshes and channels and eventually the mainland in the background. First and foremost, it is quite apparent that the area south of 96th Street has not undergone very much housing development as there are considerable parcels of land that are still vacant and covered just with vegetation.
So let’s consider this next portion of this post to be a challenge or perhaps a “quiz” of sorts. I will simply mention some things and places that are included in this photo for you to remember, recognize and try and locate if possible. Here goes! Are you able to locate the stand pipe or original water tower and Mediterranean style pump house? If you can locate 96th Street, might you also be able to identify the Fire Station, Troxel’s Variety Store, and a small portion of the Shelter Haven Hotel? Do you see see First, Second and Third Avenues? How about the 104th Street bridge? Might you recognize the Paradise and Corinthian Basins along with the Shelter Haven Basin and the Great Channel? Then there’s the omnipresent boardwalk spanning the beach and do you know the Casino, which became the long-standing hotel, apartment house and then rooming house located on the boardwalk? Finally, can you locate what is or is about to be the tennis courts and the recreational area? Perhaps you may have even located something(s) that I did not include is this search? If so, tell us what you also see. Most certainly I’m sure I have left out numerous other noteworthy places.