No. 103
“AFTERMATH OF ‘THE GREAT STORM OF 1962’ AT STONE HARBOR, N. J.” – Shown here in this photo is just some of the devastation that was evident after a three-day-long Nor’easter, sometimes referred to as the Ash Wednesday Storm, that battered the northern portion of Stone Harbor. The storm actually occurred over a three day period between March 6 to 8. As you can see portions of the bulkhead between 83rd and 85th Streets was destroyed and the sand dunes a bit further north between 80th and 83rd Street were entirely swept away. A total of 16 homes and 12 buildings were wrecked with many more structures throughout the borough in great need of repair. Notice the very large cottage at First Avenue at 85th Street. Apparently this home that was built in 1909 and once owned by Reese Risley and was called “Hydrangea” miraculously survived this atmospheric or meteorological onslaught. This particular crippling storm event remains one of the worst storms in New Jersey history. In fact, and just for the record, the 1962 storm destroyed more than half the homes in Harvey Cedars on Long Beach Island. The harsh reality is that the Great March Storm of 1962 was of such severity that is was considered by the U. S. Geological Survey to be one of the most destructive storms ever to affect New Jersey and for that matter the mid-Atlantic states region.