Harlan No. 97
While incomplete, this partial front page of the “STONE HARBOR HERALD” newspaper shows an extraordinary photo. Found on page 1 of the “August – September 1911” (Vol. IV, No. 4) Philadelphia, Pa. and Stone Harbor edition, and lacking the article accompanying this partial image, the basis for this image is about there never having been a more inspiring sight on the Great Channel than this July 3, 1911 event. The newly installed and operating massive rolling draw-bridge (see it in a raised position in the photo) will let the great caravan of automobiles and wagons of all descriptions to cross into Stone Harbor. American Flags and bunting decorated the boulevard, the bridge, 96th Street and even homes. Amid great fanfare, celebrities including the Governor Woodrow Wilson, Governor of New Jersey who just 1 year later would be elected the 28th President of the United States, the Risley brothers, other dignitaries and notables, not to mention townsfolk, were in attendance to observe and celebrate the Official Opening of the New Bridge and Parkway. This event occurred during the Gala Week of Festivities from July 1-5, 1911 showcasing the many wonders of the “New” Stone Harbor. Numerous photos were taken during this week as well on this particular occasion which were produced in the form of picture post cards capturing the crowds and the excitement of this time. The following post cards all depict events associated with the Gala Week festivities.