No. 96
“DREDGE AT WORK ON BIG YACHT BASIN” – Shown here is a brief article with an image of a large dredge belonging to the Hill Dredging Company. This article reproduced here was published in The Philadelphia Inquirer newspaper dated January 2, 1910 on found on page 14. Under the sub-title it portrays and describes the Hill Dredging Company’s Dredge “Busily Engaged at Stone Harbor Cutting Immense Sailing Boat Shelter – Will Adjoin Ocean Parkway’s Terminal”.
In order to make it easier to read the content of the featured article, I have taken the liberty of copying verbatim the 5 paragraph article that states the following:
“Work has been started on the Ocean Parkway between Cape May Court House and Stone Harbor. The Hill Dredging Company’s dredge arrived at Stone Harbor on Christmas Day and is now busily engaged in cutting one of the largest yacht basins on the South Jersey coast. This basin will adjoin the terminal of the Ocean Parkway.
This magnificent driveway will be filled in by means of hydraulic dredging to a height of six feet above mean high tide, the total fill being 120 feet wide, making one of the finest ocean boulevards along the eastern coast of the United States.
The boulevard will extend a distance of over three miles from Cape May Court House, the county seat of Cape May count, to the heart of Stone Harbor on Seven Mile Beach, opening up to automobilists a magnificent beach for racing.
The dredge will dig out alongside of the Parkway a canal 100 feet wide and ten feet deep, so that it will be possible to leave any of the coast resorts and visit the Court House by power boat.
In conjunction with this enterprise, a high speed interurban trolley road is projected, which when completed, will materially shorten the running time between Philadelphia and Stone Harbor.”