No. 94 – This particular newspaper clipping was derived from “The Bridgeport Times and Evening Farmer”, August 25, 1921 edition. The headline to the account is “Save Girl As Plane Plunges Into Ocean”. Two men and an unnamed girl who hailed from Stone Harbor are rescued in the ocean off Sea Isle City on August 23, 1921.
In order to make it easier to read the contents of this image, I am providing for my readers a re-typed version of exactly what is contained in that very article. Here goes…
“Philadelphia, Aug. 24 — Perched precariously on the fabric-covered tail of a fallen airplane, a Stone Harbor (N. J.) girl calmly awaited rescue in the ocean off Sea Isle City last night while life guards and coast guards fought their way to her through a heavy surf.
With her were Captain Frank Little of Philadelphia and Walter Krouse, son of Mayor Clarence A. Krouse of Stone Harbor, owners and pilots of the plane, and both former members of the Royal Flying Corps. It was their first accident in more than 1,500 hours in the air.
The aviators, with their passenger, whose name they refused to disclose, had flown from Stone Harbor to Atlantic City and were returning by moonlight. Flying low off a pier at Sea Isle City, the plane for an unknown reason, fell into the sea. It was a land machine equipped with wheels instead of pontoons of a seaplane, and its forward end weighted by the motor, sank into the water. The fabric of the wings and lighter tail held it afloat, with the tail, elevators and rudder pointing upward.
The men helped the girl from the cockpit to the tail and the three clung there until they were rescues by the guards.”
Well, that the scoop!