No. 71
The much heralded “Channel Apartments” are now open for business in Stone Harbor, N. J.

This second photo retrieved from the Stone Harbor Museum archives, shows the distinctive “Channel Apartments” sign in front along with a vintage automobile parked on the street in front. This was a very popular apartment house that endured the test of time. Today there are lovely modern condominium units that have been built fairly recently.
The Channel Apartments were originally owned and operated by S. Walter Humphrey and his wife and opened for business on March 13, 1913. Located on 94th Street and Sunset Drive and overlooking the Great Channel, a 1916 advertisement mentioned the following descriptive information: “First floor suites. 5 rooms and bath (2 bedrooms). Rent, June 1 to October 1, furnished $185. Second and third floor suites, 4 rooms and bath (2 bedrooms), large front and rear porches (latter may be used as dining rooms). Rent, season, furnished, $175 each”.