No. 70
Twin Bungalows – the “Lohengrin” and “Parsifal” – newly constructed at Stone Harbor, N. J.
This vintage real photo post card view is crisp and clear. This card was intended for mailing for promotional purposes by advertising a Philadelphia builder’s new construction at Stone Harbor. On the reverse/message side of this post card, the builder named N. M. Rennyson of Norristown, Pa. applied a hand-stamped message in magenta ink stating the following: “STONE HARBOR, N. J. / TWIN BUNGALOWS / “LOHENGRIN” AND “PARSIFAL” – Seven rooms and bath, all modern conveniences, terms reasonable, central location to Yacht Club, Railroad Stations, across street from Snug Harbor Basin”.
Several adults and a child can be seen pictured here in front at the 2 separate entrances to this lovely two-family house.
There is a large open porch running across the front of the bungalow and it appears there are porches in the rear. The chimneys suggest that there were 2 fireplaces, one in each unit, for wood-burning fires.