No. 63
The first of two images presented here shows a vintage multi-image post card featuring the Stonemen’s Fellowship Bungalow Colony built in 1917. These quaint little bungalows with classic striped awnings have been a very popular and affordable means of accommodation in Stone Harbor for many years.

The second image shows a group of bungalows on one of the 3 courts, namely Bower, Weber or Stone Court, which were and still are situated between 108th and 111th Streets and between Second and Third Avenues. The little girl who is standing and is visible in the center of this image is surrounded by bungalows displaying American Flags.
This image along with the penned notation (see upper right corner of this photo) indicates the photo was taken and published in a 1916 edition of a local shore newspaper at the time of the Fourth of July holiday. The 3-line caption accompanying this photo clipping states the following: “Street Scene, Stone Harbor Bungalow Colony. These artistic bungalows are divided into four fully furnished rooms and contain electric lights, running water, shower baths, etc. They are the most convenient and economical types of seaside home”. That is a pretty succinct description!