No. 49
Here we see a newspaper photograph with a simple caption that appeared locally and showing Stone Harbor Mayor Samuel E. Herbert’s big drum fish caught in the Great Channel, Stone Harbor. Mayor Herbert is seen posing in front of his own store, a Plumbing and Heating business that was located on 96th Street. For your information, the Honorable Herbert was Stone Harbor’s second mayor and his term in office lasted 3 years when he served from November of 1915 to December 1918.

Incorporated as the primary feature in this multi-view vintage post card, Mayor Herbert proudly shows off his prize catch and it is the very same image as presented at the outset of this account. The caption that appears on the back of this non-postally used card reads as follows: “Large catches from the Parkway Bridge, the Boardwalk at high tide and in the waters of the Great Channel and the seven beautiful yacht basins have earned for Stone Harbor the title of “Fisherman’s Paradise”.