No. 33
The 4 pages featured here in today’s post were taken from the 1998 booklet titled “STONE HARBOR: NEW JERSEY – THE EARLY YEARS / A Thumbnail History of Its Beginning” compiled by Jack Fitzpatrick and The Stone Harbor Archival Committee.
What intrigued me about this booklet is the manner in which it was organized and arranged. Immediately following a brief Introduction are 16 different subjects that are presented and round out significant aspects of the history and development of Stone Harbor from the very earliest to 1998. Emphasis is placed primarily on the period between the very latter 1800s to the time of the printing and release of this publication.
Presented here first are 3 very interesting pages taken from the booklet bearing the title “Historic Perspective.”
This timeline starting at 1897 and concluding at 1941 is in a narrative form and the various events going on in the United States and the world are presented in a manner to inform the reader what was happening during those “Early Years” of the so-called making of Stone Harbor.

Now that you have had time to read about the various major historical events going on and presented in a timeline or continuum fashion relating to Stone Harbor’s early development, one more feature contained in the aforementioned booklet seems important to present as well. It is the “Epilogue” that summarizes the greatness of Stone Harbor as we have now come to know it. It is a great story and those of us who know of Stone Harbor, its history and all it magnificence are indebted to all those “who shaped and molded this resort town!

Well, that’s the story about STONE HARBOR – THE SEASHORE AT ITS BEST!