No. 27
Shown here are Jean and Jake Clark at their ESSO gasoline station on Third Avenue in Stone Harbor. The date indicated is 1933. Do you see the Lutheran Church of Our Saviour located at Third Avenue and 93rd Street in the upper right background?

The business establishment in this image has been referred to or credited as George Matthews Standard Oil Company/ESSO filling station. However, close inspection of the sign located located leaning up against the building under a large window at street level in the center of this garage does specifically state “CLARKS GARAGE”. While it may very well be just conjecture, perhaps this early 1940s photo was actually taken at a time when the business was changing owners. In any event, we can recognize the building on the far right being that of Springer’s Ice Cream.

This last photographic image shows American soldiers in military uniforms and troop transports during World War II engaged in some maneuvers progressing southward on Third Avenue and approaching 96th Street. Please notice the Shelter Haven Hotel in the center background. In addition and on the far left-hand side of this view are Clark’s large ESSO gas station sign as well as a sign nearby clearly stating “SPRINGER’S / HOME MADE / ICE CREAM”.