No. 15
Here is another classic photo view taken at Stone Harbor in the early days and this is a good example of what building family memories, then and now, is all about! This undated family snapshot captured two children near the intersection of 96th Street and Third Avenue. The young preadolescent lad wearing a popular bowler style hat, a tie, knickers with long stockings and a hip length outer suit jacket is accompanying his little sister who is seen here riding a tricycle. The two children appear to be somewhat bundled up and so we might conclude it was not a hot summer day when this photo was taken.
In this view we are looking northward and there are three distinctive buildings visible in the background. Proceeding from left to right, we first observe St. Mary’s Episcopal Church built in 1910 at 95th Street. Next in the more distant background we can make out the Original Lutheran Church erected and dedicated in 1917 located at 93rd Street. On the far right there is a three-story building that should really look familiar to people today. Formerly known as the Duval Hotel and later Turpin’s Apartment House, this building in 1939 became the ever popular Springer’s Ice Cream Shop which is still in existence and continues serving the public delicious ice cream treats.