This very early post card, postmarked at Stone Harbor on July 16, 1910, shows one of the earliest small businesses established in Stone Harbor.
Here we see a rather small and seemingly quaint two- story shingled restaurant as the large sign on the right of the porch so states. But judging from the small size of this structure, I can not help but think that this business could only really function and serve as a luncheonette for take-out purposes. The sign attached to the column on the left of the porch indicates the establishment at that time was owned and operated by H.S. VanLeer.
Catering mostly at first to the many construction workers and laborers who helped build Stone Harbor from the so-called early days, this store was known for providing patrons with what was known as “Dave’s Quick Lunch”. According to the chalk board and the posted menu at the top of the steps in this image, along with other signs, the following items were being offered and available on that particular summer day: fresh fish, oyster and clam stews, sandwiches, coffee, soft drinks, ice cream, pies, cakes and even candies.
The American Flag is visible here as it prominently flutters in the breeze atop the flag pole and there is a pretty relaxed group of what appear to be some of the servers or female employees working at the luncheonette along with some other adults and one little girl all posing on the porch and steps for this very interesting photo.
This postally used card was written on 7/15 and mailed by “Uncle John” who pencil-addressed it to Miss Martha Bacon Newark who resided at 915 Beach Ave., Cape May, New Jersey.