The real-photo post card (date unknown) shown here features a classic seashore cedar-shingled Twin Bungalow known as “Lohengrin” and “Parsifal.” A bit of research indicates that the two names referenced here have been handed down from around 1850 and Lohengrin is a son of Parsifal and knight of the Holy Grail in Germanic legend.
Apparently a developer by the name of N. M. Rennyson of Norristown, Pa. was venturing into the housing market at Stone Harbor and here is a typical double-home that was being offered designed to accommodate two families under one roof. As you can readily see the building has a long open front porch with two separate stairways and entrances for access and also two chimneys with a fireplace in each unit. It is entirely possible that this structure was serviced with electricity since we can see the electric utility pole in front of the house.
The printed description on the message/address side of this card is a follows: “Seven rooms and bath, all modern conveniences, terms reasonable, central location to Yacht Club, Railroad Stations, across street from snug Harbor Basin.”