Home Description
Distinctive original Cape home built in 1954. The home was purchased as a summer home by Dr. Norman W. Henry and his wife Ethbel Henry in 1957. Dr. and Mrs. Henry along with their five children Marilyn, Norman, Pam, Richard and Ronald lived in PA and vacationed in Stone Harbor in the summer for over 63 years. The home was passed on to Norman Henry III and Pam Henry Aukland in 2002.
Life of the House
Norm Henry writes of his fond memories of Stone Harbor:
“I was the oldest of 5 children and Stone Harbor was my Summer Place where I fished in the back bay, played on the beach and swam in the ocean. I made the Stone Harbor Beach Patrol when I was 16 and was a guard and medic on patrol for 5 years (1961-1966). My younger brother Richard Henry was a guard (1970-1976). I met my wife to be Joy L. Lessner in Stone Harbor in 1963 while a guard and we were married in St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in 1967. We always vacation in Stone Harbor every year. with my daughter and grandson. Stone Harbor is a special place for me where I grew up. I have many fond memories of people, places and things that I did there.”
Photos of the House
221 91st Street, Stone Harbor – The Henry House The Henry family in their backyard 1990 91st St Beach with Mom Henry, her children and grandchildren 1990 Dr Norman W. Henry with his oil painting of ducks in background 1990 Eating Conover’s corn in the dining room! Mom, Marilyn, Ron and Norm Lifeguard Boat Races 96th Street – 1965 Marilyn Henry wearing 100th Anniversary SHBP t-shirt Bruce Aukland, Pam Henry Aukland and Norm Henry working on back deck Spring 2021