No. 77
The Russell Choir Cottage of St. Mary’s Church of Ardmore, Pa. located in Stone Harbor is available for rent back in 1916.
A page from a real estate brochure contained in the Stone Harbor Museum archives advertises the availability of the “St. Mary’s Choir Bungalow” for rent.
Here is what that ad stated: “Sunset Drive at 94th Street, directly on Great Channel. Contains accommodation for party of 40 ladies or gentlemen. Fully equipped, kitchen, dining room and linen closet. Rent, furnished, $32 per week for party of 30; $40 for party of 40. Electric lights and conveniences. Season. June 15th to October 1st”.
This large house has a sizable porch or open deck to the rear facing the bay which certainly afforded guests the opportunity to enjoy many fine sunsets.